Is it OK to eat seaweed while breastfeeding?

Whats behind the age old tradition of eating seaweed while breastfeeding?

Are you a nursing mom looking to add variety to your diet while also getting the best nutrition for you and your baby? Eating seaweed might be a healthy, delicious option! Research shows that there are many potential benefits of consuming some types of seaweeds while breastfeeding. In this blog post, we'll look at why it could be beneficial to include seaweed in your diet as well as tips on how to take care of your breasts from the outside in. So lets get started.

Whether I’m out harvesting seaweed or having a quiet drink in a cafe this is a question I get asked a lot. The fact that my little guzzler is usually latched on has a lot to do with it. Anyone who knows me knows I’m a huge fan of all things seaweed, it’s been a staple in our kitchens for generations here in Ireland to build strength and immunity and I’m also a strong advocate for breastfeeding. If ever there was a superfood it’s seaweed and if ever there was a time a mom needed a health boost it’s when she’s lactating. As my midwife said, a baby is the most perfect parasite, your body will prioritise her needs first, happily leeching what it needs from your bones and soft tissue to ensure her survival. Despite this, the endless cluster feeds and the raw nipples it is one of the most beautiful experiences of my life.

For hundreds of years women in Korea receive a bowl of seaweed soup soon after giving birth to improve milk production. It’s believed to also help with postpartum recovery and they have a bowl of this soup daily for the first weeks after giving birth. This is backed up by some studies that suggest seaweed may help increase milk production in breastfeeding mothers. This may be due to the high content of phytoestrogens found in some types of seaweed.

My own personal experience as someone who eats seaweed regularly was that my milk came in quickly, within the first day for both my babies and I had a very, very healthy supply. I had my first baby here at home and while I wasn’t having Miyeok Guk (the korean soup) Eli was putting a generous spoon of our chilli and lemongrass seaweed pesto into the vegetable soup he prepared for me each day and I credit this for my milk supply and speedy postpartum recovery.

Here are some more good reasons to include seaweed in your breastfeeding journey:

Good source of iodine

Seaweed is a rich source of iodine, which is essential for thyroid hormone production. Adequate iodine intake is crucial during breastfeeding as it helps ensure proper cognitive development of the baby. However, excessive iodine intake should be avoided as it can have negative effects on thyroid function. The golden rule with seaweed at any time is a little and often.

Rich in vitamins and minerals

Seaweed is packed with essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, iron, calcium, and magnesium. These nutrients are important for the overall health and well-being of both the mother and the baby.

Boosts immune function

Seaweed contains polysaccharides and other compounds that can help support the immune system. This is especially important during breastfeeding when the mother's immune system may be compromised.

It is worth noting, however, that seaweed should be consumed in moderation as excessive intake may lead to adverse effects. Additionally, certain types of seaweed, such as hijiki, may contain high levels of arsenic and should be avoided during breastfeeding. As always if you have any concerns and especially if you have any thyroid issues make sure you consult your doctor before adding seaweed to your diet.

Something else to keep in mind is caring for your breasts on the outside too. They put up with their fair share of abuse in those first months between teeth coming in and fidgeting (I will never forget my first tuning in the radio on one nipple while suckling so peacefully on the other). Treat them to a quick massage with body oil after showering each day to keep them supple and hydrated. Our seaweed infused body oil is designed with this in mind and provides a touch of natural pampering when you most need it.

The benefits of seaweed are immense. Not only can it help to create a nutrient-rich diet for nursing mothers and their babies, but it can also provide a number of health and beauty benefits when used topically on the skin. Our products provide the ideal combination of seaweed-based ingredients for you to take advantage of, whether you’re looking to support your breastfeeding journey or to just feel more confident in your heavily changing body during these important weeks. With its natural nutrition profile, it's no wonder why seaweed has become one of the most popular wellness trends today - plus it tastes good too! Whatever you decide to do, be sure to make nutritious choices that will benefit both you and your baby as well as give you some much needed self love.

Claire O'Sullivan